What Manner of Persons?

Posted by on Aug 6, 2021 in Articles | 0 comments

Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness. 2 Peter 3:11

Obedience to God is the core of living a Christian life. We must submit ourselves unto the teachings of His Holy Word (Heb 12:1-2). As a Christian, one must realize we are members of the New Testament church (Acts 2:38-47) and we have taken on certain responsibilities (Rom 6:1-4). Our text for this article, 2 Peter 3:11, is written to us in view of eternity and could also be translated “ought ye be found.” Simply put, live every day like it will be the day we enter eternity because it very well could be!

If I knew today would be my last, certainly there are some things I would be doing. I would make sure to be making the most of each moment and doing the work of the Lord (1 Cor 15:58). I would not allow the cares of this life distract me from living in view of eternity. I would be focused. We lose so many opportunities to idleness but the passage assures us our labor in the Lord will not be in vain.

If today would be my last, I would definitely spend time in prayer being thankful for life’s blessings and making supplication for those who need it (Php 4:6). Prayer is a high and holy privilege (Heb 4:14-16), not to be neglected or only used for myself but that I can ask God to help me in my needs and weaknesses and ask the same for others around me.

Certainly, I would make time for my family. Sadly, we see many who don’t do this anymore. We are so involved in ourselves we forget how much a little bit of our time and attention mean to others.

In closing, we would do very well to learn from Christ during his final days, even final hours on the cross. His last actions included commands to win souls (Matt 28:18-20), assuring the thief on the cross of blessings of eternity opposed to afflictions of this life (Matt 23:43), and praying for and extending forgiveness to those who had done him so very wrong (Luke 23:43). Let’s be filling all our days with these and many other godly things so as not to look so much as leaving this life but living as the manner of persons we ought to be.

By Jason Barger

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