What Lack I Yet?

Posted by on Feb 25, 2022 in Articles | 0 comments

The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet? Matthew 19:20

This certainly, on the outset, is a very good question. The passage we are using is what we commonly refer to as “The rich young ruler”. Initially, he is introduced in a positive manner. He is seeking to learn more. He presents himself in a way of wanting to grow. We need to never settle or feel as though we have attained all (Php 3:14). We also appreciate all the good things this young man has done and areas of faithfulness in his life (Matt 19:18). Also, he was interested in the most important thing (Matt 19:16). Certainly, he had many things going for him, but he leaves Christ in the saddest of ways (Matt 19:22).

The first thing wrong was that he was blinded to his weakness by his strengths. He confidently states his faithfulness to the initial commands Jesus gave (Matt 19:18-19). Many of the most talented individuals I have met limit themselves in this one area. They never see the need to improve on the weaker aspects of life. He was not willing to look at himself and make the needed changes (James 1:23-25). The scripture is plain. We must push on to being complete (Heb 6:1). He had the foundation, just wasn’t willing to build further.

When Jesus commanded that he sell his goods and give to the poor He struck a nerve (Matt 19:21). This hurt because it was the one thing he loved and that was his possession. The cause of Christ has to come first. Christ is not illustrating here that we must live a life of destitution but of commitment and faith. Philippians 3:8 states, “Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ”.

The tragedy of his departure (Matt 19:22) by going away sorrowful is that he shows he knew he was in error but unwilling to change. Let us always examine ourselves in the light of God’s Word and take care of anything we find lacking while we still have that opportunity.

By Jason Barger

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